Are you experiencing frustration, stress or anxiety? Maybe you feel fearful with all the uncertainty going on?
It's not surprising given what's happening in the world.
Did you know though stress is not a weakness? It actually makes you an incredibly evolutionary being.
Anxiety is our deep sub-conscious screaming 'things are wrong' at us. All we have to do is learn to tune in, listen and be guided. We truly are magical electrical beings and if you're suffering you're nothing less than evolutionary. The Universe is calling you.
The first thing you need do is read our revolutionary, evolutionary FREE e-book; Magical Electrical You
It's never been more urgent.
It's never been more urgent.
Welcome to Mindjoga
'Re-defining Stress & creating world-changers'
Change Your Mind. Change Your Life. Change Your World.
Finally - the simplest of systems that helps us transform in just 28 days.
'A set of simple disciplines for the mind to take you from where you are to where you need to be'.
(In waaaaay less time than it takes the monks on the hills!)
'Humanity and the planet are suffering - it's fuelled by anxiety.
Look around; we can't deny it.
Stress levels are debilitating, life is exhausting. Human beings are far from our innate state of peace. People are under so much pressure divorce rates are up almost 252%. The WHO reporting one suicide globally every 40 seconds. Suicide is the 2nd biggest killer of our young people (and that was pre-covid). And the powers that 'think they' be call it 'mental illness'.
It's a tragedy - but what is incredible is how easy it is to stop it.
First man made machines; and now some are turning others into them. Everything is bigger scale, faster pace, higher pressure and more damaging to the natural world than ever before. And we appear to be the only beings destroying the very environment we need for our survival. Everyone knows change is needed - and there are so many things we can do -
We must act now...
Politicians can't pull this off; it's absolutely not in their interest. It must come from you and I;
...through individual responsibility & the right tools.
And ONE-LITTLE-WORD - NO: as close to 7 billion times as we can get.
That's where Mindjoga comes in.
The universe responds to our frequency. Not to our wants or needs.
And frustration, stress & anxiety are on the wrong frequency for both the personal change we so want for ourselves; and the changes needed in the world.
These changes will come automatically as a result of healthy frequencies.
Mindjoga is a set of simple disciplines for the mind to take you from where you are now to where you need to be to make whatever change you need to in your life.
It starts with you. Whatever you've been through; you can:
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life; and in turn, Change Your World.
If you recognise any of the following in yourself:
- Life is not going the way you imagined it.
- You have painful emotional wounds stopping your progress
-You feel frozen by current events
- Your thoughts are most often negative
Do it for yourself. Do it for Mother Earth Do it for your children & your grandchildren. And ours.'
Look around; we can't deny it.
Stress levels are debilitating, life is exhausting. Human beings are far from our innate state of peace. People are under so much pressure divorce rates are up almost 252%. The WHO reporting one suicide globally every 40 seconds. Suicide is the 2nd biggest killer of our young people (and that was pre-covid). And the powers that 'think they' be call it 'mental illness'.
It's a tragedy - but what is incredible is how easy it is to stop it.
First man made machines; and now some are turning others into them. Everything is bigger scale, faster pace, higher pressure and more damaging to the natural world than ever before. And we appear to be the only beings destroying the very environment we need for our survival. Everyone knows change is needed - and there are so many things we can do -
We must act now...
Politicians can't pull this off; it's absolutely not in their interest. It must come from you and I;
...through individual responsibility & the right tools.
And ONE-LITTLE-WORD - NO: as close to 7 billion times as we can get.
That's where Mindjoga comes in.
The universe responds to our frequency. Not to our wants or needs.
And frustration, stress & anxiety are on the wrong frequency for both the personal change we so want for ourselves; and the changes needed in the world.
These changes will come automatically as a result of healthy frequencies.
Mindjoga is a set of simple disciplines for the mind to take you from where you are now to where you need to be to make whatever change you need to in your life.
It starts with you. Whatever you've been through; you can:
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life; and in turn, Change Your World.
If you recognise any of the following in yourself:
- Life is not going the way you imagined it.
- You have painful emotional wounds stopping your progress
-You feel frozen by current events
- Your thoughts are most often negative
Do it for yourself. Do it for Mother Earth Do it for your children & your grandchildren. And ours.'
Journey with us...
All the Tools You Need to Succeed in Life
Mindjoga eliminates anxiety and brings deep peace to practitioners. It sets in motion an irreversible transformation in the brain taking us back to our innate state of compassion and joy. It moves us beyond the struggle to change into effortless transformation. It's when we reach that state that our awareness of 'everything that is' is raised and we begin to 'feel' rather than 'think'. The result is quite overwhelming.
Mindjoga has two very specific stages. Firstly we work to re-balance stress hormones with tools we call EQUILIBRIUM and once those tools are mastered we move onwards to change the frequency our brain operates in from high beta (stress & anxiety) where most people currently sit; bringing it down into a more healthy alpha and theta where we gain peace, clarity & creativity in our lives.