Why sitting on the fence is REALLY bad for your healthI'm sure you'll know from experience that sitting on the fence - we eventually have to pick a side. Yes, it's normal and healthy to stay there while we take a look at the evidence and make up our minds about something new; but what happens when we begin to see we need to be on the side where we really don't want to go? I see this happening all over the place at the moment. People desperately trying to balance themselves, teetering uncomfortably trying to stay comfortable whilst sitting on barbed wire - or are perhaps already on the wrong side of the fence and afraid to cross it. It might seem ok to you - but when this happens our bodies are thrown into a flux of mentally & physically harmful negative hormones and brainwave frequencies. 'No good can come from this'..First of all we begin to experience stress because our conscious (part which assesses new information) and unconscious (part where our deep set beliefs sit) minds are out of balance. There is literally a war going on between what we already believe to be true and what the new evidence is changing for us. And it's a war that is hard to win. Why? Because our auto-pilot unconscious mind is many many times bigger and more powerful than our analytical conscious mind. It's difficult to win the war even if everything points to the new information being correct because the life protecting auto pilot processes of the unconscious part of our brain is so strong. It's almost like a little wee defect in the perfection that is us! So how do we bring these two parts of ourselves to a place where we can make the right decision and get off of the fence? It's easy to make the change when you know how.. We bring the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind together through a focus on the heart. We use a process we call The EQUILIBRIUM 4 Step Process which goes like this: 1. Take a deep breath in through the nose. 2. Relax all of the muscles in your body while exhaling out through the mouth. 3. Focus your spinning foggy mind on the area around your heart. 4. Pop an 'elation' thought into your mind. This process brings you to a place of peace where you can calmly make decisions. It's part of our Mindjoga 'Change Your Mind' Online Journey and you can get started for free by CLICKING HERE to get our FREE e-book, Magical Electrical You. It's a quick read so there's nothing to lose! And we'd love your feedback! Thanks for reading this far. Corinna & the team. Enjoy!
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