The World in our hands...Society really has it wrong. We only have to look at the state of the World to know we've got something badly wrong. Throughout history we've come to where we are right now through OUR interpretation, of THEIR interpretation, of something someone even less evolved once said many many moons ago - and it goes to pass that, like Chinese whispers, mis-interpretations would have been made at many points up that line. We know society's interpretation of stress is one of those mis-interpretations because: Stressed=blessed reason No.1: Quantum science has finally helped us understand how society misinterpreted the purpose of stress. Medicine can tell us perfectly how our stress occurs physiologically, but how to fix the overwhelm -that crosses into the field of quantum and traditionally trained researchers are often unable to look at the big picture: our environment. Without this knowledge we're plastering over the cracks rather than getting to the root of what's happening and discovering the prevention. For instance, Professor Iriving Kirsh, Associate Director of the Program of Placebo Studies and a lecturer in medicine at the Harvard Medical School, invoked the Freedom of Information Act in 2001 to obtain clinical trial results from companies in the $8.2 billion anti-depressant industry. What was discovered was that 80% of the effect of the 6 top selling anti-depressants could be attributed to the placebo effect (sugar pill). The drugs did not outperform sugar pills. That those who BELIEVED they were being cured, actually were. Of course with results like this and an annual $8.2 Billion at stake to the Govt & Pharmaceutical Industry, it’s no wonder he actually had to invoke the Act to obtain this information. These drugs certainly seem to sell like lollies. Stressed=blessed reason No.2: Because we know our stress fight or flight response is designed to save our lives. Without it we would die. As a species, we would have become extinct a long time ago. Our fight flight response is automatic, it supercedes all other physiological systems in the body when we need it. It is designed to get us out of danger fast. Ironic that the bodily system designed to saving the species us is now very much tied up in the sickness and potential extinction of our species. If you’d like to understand more about this request your free audios here. Stressed=blessed reason No.3: Stress is simply an indicator that life-saving change is needed. Stress or anxiety is absolutely NOT a reason to label a person crazy, lazy, weak or ill in any sense. The Second Law of Thermodynamics shows there is no change without chaos in any system. Quantumly, stress is an important sign on the evolutionary journey of humanity. The more your suffer, the more evolved a human being you are likely to be. In fact those who still see stress as weak and stigmatic are very much asleep. For the world moving forward; to create peace on earth this is something we each individually have to own. Each one of us who comes to understand this new information is of CRITICAL, FOREMOST and PARAMOUNT importance to the planet. We hope we used enough strong words and caps to get your attention. This is serious world-changing stuff. Stressed=blessed reason No.4: Stress is an important signpost to the purpose we're each uniquely here for. So what is that purpose? Even the Monty Python team struggled (hilariously) with the meaning of life. Are we really just here to feed the machine, pop out a couple of kids and retire to a LazyBoy? I can almost see mother nature face-palming. The answer of course is no. We are all here for a united reason, an essential cell of Gaia. Just as each brain cell knows what to do to keep it's environment functioning (our brains), we should do what keeps our environment (the planet) functioning. But somewhere along the way humans lost sight of this. We now have the knowledge to achieve this. And not only that, but to identify our own unique individual way in which we are each here to achieve that united task. Stressed=blessed reason No.5: Understanding this new information opens us up to the lives we were meant to live. What does this mean? As babies we come into the world with delta brainwave patterns, moving through theta and alpha as we grow. Generally by the time we have gotten through school that’s all changed and we have moved into the said fully ‘’awake’’ grown-up mode of beta. Ironically, beta exudes more accurately the symptoms of the “asleep”, and from a beta frequency it is difficult to read the signs our stress is showing us. Somehow, by the time we are functioning in the beta frequency, the brain has forgotten how to read the signs; or perhaps it is because our family and culture does not currently sow the seeds of how. Somehow our culture and our education system, which promotes primarily left-brain thinking, has veiled the right side and the frequencies of creativity, healing, super learning and intuition. But it is still absolutely possible to learn. To remember and to return to our path. Stressed=blessed reason No.6: Seeing stress in this new light can prevent serious illness. Cast your mind back to when you were young. What happened when you did something cute or clever? Yes! Accolade, attention! Acceptance. Love. Now think about a time when you felt sad. Maybe in the supermarket with mum. She said no to that chocolate bar under your nose. You REALLY wanted it. You cried. You were angry with her. You showed it. Accolade? No! Acceptance? No! Love? No! Attention? Maybe, but not in a good way! We begin to learn to 'behave' at a very early age. 'Stop crying'… We push the sadness down; push the frustration down. We hide it away. It doesn’t belong in our world. But unwittingly mum has just helped you push toxic negative energy down into your body and potentially start the growth of illness. It's nobody’s fault. But it's everybody’s responsibility. It is still possible when we are older to access that stored negativity, allow it to finish it’s journey through your being and be gone. We just need the tools. Stressed=blessed reason No.7: The process of allowing negative stress to consummate through us gives us access to ‘source’ - where ANYTHING is possible. It’s all in the frequency of our brainwaves. Every single thing in the universe is on a journey, flowing. With stored negativity gone from our bodies our chemical balance changes and allows a more positive flow with the universe. As we lower our brain frequency we become perfect little radio towers able to tune into the channel of change. Imagine people are to our source as computers are to the internet. Firstly we must have know-how to connect. And secondly we need the skills to google the answer to anything we want. Yes. Humanity has created technology in it’s own likeness! … now where have I read that before?! We just need a little training to use the software. Stressed=blessed reason No.8: Learning to respond positively to stress changes your mind, your life, and our world. When we stop reacting negatively and start responding positively to whatever the world throws at us everything changes. Our ability to rationalise whatever is happening to us in the moment gives way to peaceful responses which is turn change the reactions of others to bring very different outcomes. We no longer feel victimised and fearful. We become calm and positive. We begin to understand that life supports us. Fear is imagination. We can learn to be in control of our lives at every given moment. The impact this has on the energetic frequency of the world is HUGE. Enlightened, awakened people do no harm to the planet. If you’d like to experience this request your free audios here Stressed=blessed reason No.9: Learning to self-interpret our stress moves us forward from our uniqueness. It’s easy to call someone who you hope will solve your problems. It’s nice actually, to allay the responsibility. It feels warm, nurturing, like when we were babies! The fact is though, each time we give our power away to another, the outcome is diluted - mixed with their assessments and opinions. YOU are the only one who truly knows yourself. YOU are the only one who can access the depths of your mind and early programming. YOU are the only one who knows what you really want and need to change. When we learn some simple processes to help us do this we can change our output from negative to positive and in doing so we change the entire way we relate to our world. Ahhh peace! If you’d like to experience this request your free audios here Stressed=blessed reason No.10: Stressed people are evolutionaries-in-waiting. Understanding this is the key to a peaceful world.
Imagine your life without the stress and anxiety! The really great news is once the changes are made, they cannot be undone. Evolution is a one-way process. Onward and upward. Forward and awakening. The effort of change gives way to the auto-pilot of transformation. The processes begins to happen automatically. Your physiology reaches a place of ‘’EQUILIBRIUM’’. The struggle for balance is over. You have reached that static point in the living system where everything just flows. You are in tune with the universe. Calm, peaceful, HAPPY. Wouldn't that be nice?!
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